<Noam Rosenthal>
Noam Rosenthal: Is https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1088 something in your wheelhouse still? Or do I need to load up that context and solve it myself?
It wasn’t in my queue but happy to help
Looking at https://github.com/mdn/content/pull/25958/files about method=dialog for the form element when the form is a descendant of a dialog element, and looking at the relevant algorithm in the spec at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#form-submission-algorithm:attr-fs-method-dialog, I don’t find where the spec states that when closing the dialog, there is a requirement for it to happen “without submitting data or clearing the form”.
What the spec at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#attr-fs-method seems to state instead is: If a form has method=dialog and the form is not a descendant of a dialog, then in that case the form is not submitted.
(Though even in that case the spec doesn’t explicitly state any separate requirement about clearing the form.)
* d’oh, nevermind — only just now I notice that the last substep of step 11 at https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#form-submission-algorithm:attr-fs-method-dialog is an early return… (Will delete these messages, because it looks like maybe nobody else has read them yet anyway).
bkardell: looks like it means element.parentNode?.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE
bkardell: looks like it means element.parentNode?.nodeType == DOCUMENT_NODE
I mean.. in my head the node type is what i was thinking too.. but Are you saying then the thing i highlighted in my screenshot above is meaningful? Like.. If that is the whole document or something?
It's phrased a bit weird, but I think it means "there exists a document d for which the element is d's "document element" (root element)
The root question there tho, is, why is that condition being used, when it seems like the intended condition being checked for is "doesn't have a parent", given that the next and final step is to look at the parent's direction?