Relatively interesting question about <link> processing (which stays a bit unclear to me): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76319964/what-is-the-behavior-of-a-link-with-both-preload-and-stylesheet-in-rel-attribute Maybe Noam Rosenthal could shed some light on this?
Also I noticed that https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#link-type-preload has a link to [PRELOAD] which actually redirects back to https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/links.html#link-type-preload since W3C Preload has been merged to HTML. I find it kind of funny to have such a recursive link inside the link.html page, but maybe we want to do something about it? There is still value in this link since it does give credits to I. Grigorik for their work. Is it worth an issue?
<Noam Rosenthal>
Relatively interesting question about <link> processing (which stays a bit unclear to me): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76319964/what-is-the-behavior-of-a-link-with-both-preload-and-stylesheet-in-rel-attribute Maybe Noam Rosenthal could shed some light on this?
Yes please open an isssue, should be an easy fix
<Noam Rosenthal>
Relatively interesting question about <link> processing (which stays a bit unclear to me): https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76319964/what-is-the-behavior-of-a-link-with-both-preload-and-stylesheet-in-rel-attribute Maybe Noam Rosenthal could shed some light on this?
Iirc you can have several rels and it would behave similarly to having two link elements with those rels the other attributes identical. In Rhys and other cases this will not create a very useful outcome
<Noam Rosenthal>
We should remove [PRELOAD] and add I. Grigorik to the acknowledgments if they aren't already there
I suspect they are there
Noam Rosenthal: thanks, that confirms my own thoughts then.
annevk so a PR directly would be preferable? I probably won't have the time myself to do so today so it might be better for someone else to lead this.
<Noam Rosenthal>
Noam Rosenthal: thanks, that confirms my own thoughts then.
annevk so a PR directly would be preferable? I probably won't have the time myself to do so today so it might be better for someone else to lead this.
Feel free to do either
I opened https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9327
<Noam Rosenthal>
I opened https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/9327
PR: https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9329
Why does the policy container (https://html.spec.whatwg.org/#policy-containers) contain the CSP, referrer policy and embedder policy but not the sandbox flags?
freddy: it's very much an incremental effort, if you think things should be added, go for it
heh, I now realize there is a big red box that even says it 🫢
Nothing as easy to miss as a big red box 😅
<Dominic Farolino>
Another promise and "parallel" question. I believe you cannot "react" to a Promise from in parallel, right? I.e., call "Upon fulfillment" on a promise from steps running in parallel.
That's correct
Dominic Farolino: you gotta think bigger, you cannot manipulate JS objects in parallel to some event loop, period
Nothing with observable effects can be done in parallel. (Except posting a task itself, which I suppose produces observable timing differences?)
TabAtkins: yeah, though you still get some guarantees if things go into the same task source
And yeah, exactly, you want to do state updates from steps in a task.
<Dominic Farolino>
Yep I just wanted to sanity check